Is DECONSTRUCTION Bibleworthy? - Interview with Author Tim Barnett
Are you worried about your kids questioning their faith or being influenced by trendy ideas like deconstruction? The rise of deconstruction is leaving young Christians confused, doubting biblical truth, and walking away from their faith. For parents, it can feel overwhelming to know how to respond or help their kids navigate these challenges without pushing them further away.
In this episode, Blair Lee talks with Tim Barnett—apologist, co-author of The Deconstruction of Christianity, and creator of Red Pen Logic. Together, they break down what deconstruction really is, why it’s harmful, and how parents can guide their kids through faith doubts with wisdom, truth, and grace.
Also, should Blair have let his teenage daughter shave her head?
Also, should Blair have let his teenage daughter shave her head?
Link to this Episode
Mentioned in the Podcast:
The Book discussed:
- The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond by Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett
YouTube Channel:
- Red Pen Logic with Mr. B:
Videos Discussed:
- Ecce Homo - Botched Restoration:
Restoration EPIC FAIL (Ecce Homo) (ENGLISH) - Salvator Mundi - Leonardo's Painting:
Salvator Mundi - Painting of Jesus by Leonardo da Vinci
Authors and Works Mentioned:
- David Bebbington's- The Evangelical Quadrilateral: Characterizing the British Gospel
- Carl Trueman - The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind
Conferences and Organizations:
- Reality Apologetics Conference: - Stand to Reason (STR):
Additional References:
- Biodome - Pauly Shore Movie:
Bio-Dome (1996) - IMDb - Biosphere 2:
Biosphere 2 - University of Arizona - Biosphere 1 (Earth):
Biosphere - Wikipedia
Blair Lee's Links:
- My Blog: Out of Thin Blair
- Are you an author and want to grow your readership online →
- Follow me on X (Twitter): @blairjohnlee
- Connect with me on LinkedIn: Blair John Lee